2014년 10월 16일 목요일

Reflection Journals - Analytical Essay & Literature Circle

Analytical Essay (10.Oct.2014)

What were my goals / objectives?

 Last task, the letter to character, I got the score 4/7. And the problems were mainly about grammar. So, I set my goals to reduce my grammatical errors.

What skills did I use / learn / develop?

 I learned and developed the right grammar for writing from books and internet lecture. I studied about the subjunctive mood, relative pronoun etc.

I used the things which I studied before and before I submitted, I checked for spelling and grammatical errors.

What were the results of my efforts?

I did my best to reduce my grammatical errors, but still I got 4/7. I think grammar skill could be improve in short terms. So I am going to try to study more about it.

1. Literature Circle

a. Comments by teacher + score
  (17 / 20) : 5  

Analyzing : Very good analysis of each concept, linking all ideas to the (6)
Organizing : Good presentations planning - very well organizing (6)
Producing text : Generally very clear presentations some issues language minor (5)

Provides introduction to help understand textThoughtful to the text

Provides images traits of characters

Themes good analyzing

Does not show growth of characters of strongness.

b. My reaction (I learned that .. / I felt that ...)

 I realized that I didn't show much things about characters like growth. And now maybe I got how to do these presentation things. It was my first time so I was very nervous and didn't know how to do it, but next time I want to do better than now.

2. Analytical Essay

 a. Comments

Analyzing : Generally adequate analysis of Karniss' development but lacks depth of discussion.  Organizing : Generally groups idea together but structure is basic, at times confusing.
Using Language : Attempt at sophistical language but expression and sentence construction poor.

 Capital (SV) :2

Subject verb agreement (SV) :2

Verb tense (VT) :21

Word choice error(WC) :1

Expression Unclear (EXP) :3

Sentence Construction (SC) :7  

b. Reaction

I agree with the comments. I also think my using language is not good enough. Maybe I can improve it by reading news or books in English. For this term vacation, I decide to read a book in English. 

Then, I realized that my descriptions and analyzing are lacked. Next time, I am going to try to write more in detail and intentionally.

 I most have problem with the part of verb tense. I didn't know I couldn't use the past tense in my essay. I thought that I read the book before, so I had to use past tense. Now, I realized it, so I am not going to repeat these mistakes for my next tasks.

c. Further reflection

 Generally a good attempt but will need to improve language and structure

 Question : What strategies did you use for this task?              

                    I tried to reduce grammatical errors than last task the letter to character.

                  What skills did you use? Learn? Develop?

                    I learned and developed the right grammar for writing from books and internet lecture.
                    I studied about the subjunctive mood, relative pronoun etc. I used the things which I 
                    studied before and before I submitted, I checked for spelling and grammatical errors.

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