2014년 9월 23일 화요일

Reflections - Literature Circle

1. What goals did I set for myself at the start of the quarter?

  I wanted to make more relations through communication. Also, I wished to improve presentation skills like speaking aloud without script.
 Before I start the literature circle, I set up this goal.

 :My group's members helped me very much. So, I wanted to help others too.
    I did not want to think just fragmentary form.

2-1. What skills did you use?

  I spoke in clear and loud voice when I was presenting. I tried to communicate with audience clearly by eye contact.

2-2 .What skills did you sharpen?

  I wrote the script for the literature circle presentation, and I memorized it all. 
  Then, I practiced a lot presenting without the script at home. I measured the time that needed for my presentation and try to make 5 to 6 minutes presentation.

2-3. What skills did you learn?

  I learned the skill which made me speak in loud and clear voice.

3. How did you achieve your goals? What goals were not completely achieved? Why?

  I tried to help my group members, but I could not help them very much. I just answered to their questions wholeheartedly. I wished my answer was helped them.
 Secondly, I achieved the goal making more relations through communication. Discussing and advising with my group members, I noticed their thinking and personality. 
 However, I think that I did not do the concrete thinking. I had presentation just about my lesson. I did not add much new ideas and things in my presentation. I regret it. If I put some of new things about characters, it could be better presentation.

4. What are your goals for the final task this quarter (the essay)?

   I had the writing the letter to main characters task before, and I did not get the good score for that. The reason why, I had too much grammatical errors. So, my goal for the final task is to make less grammatical errors than before task.

2014년 9월 11일 목요일

The Hunger Game2

Utopia: Imagined perfect

Dystopia: Imagined nightmare

(Panem = ) Totalitarian government: Full control / (totalitarianism)

Horrifying: All tributes kill each other
                   Tributes are consist of teenagers
                   Reeping & Teserae - to get the foods to survive > to increase the probability to die :Irony
                   The arena is similar with the zoo.

Horrors that can be happen if we do not be careful:

The real fact is reflected by Hunger Game: Reality show - Laugh at them
                                                                     Hitler starts with small leader / no one stopped him

2014년 9월 2일 화요일

Vocabulary Words

Describe / Meaning

Page # (chapter and paragraph)


The Capitol

Definition Dictionary

 Society and Class
 Do not want the revolution anymore. All of people are very rich.
 Enough foods. Clothes, make - up and hair are all colorful.
 (#page 22 paragraph 3)

The Districts
 The Districts are consist of 12 districts. All districts have their own feature of industry.
 'All forms of stealing are forbidden in District 12' (Chapter 2 #29 paragraph 3)
 'They have to hunt to avoid die of hunger. They must be happy to be tribute for Hunger Games Quiet dirty, poor and old. Most of the peacekeepers turn a blind eye to the few of us who hunt because they're as hungry for fresh meat as anybody is' (Chapter 1 #5)

The Arena
 In the book, the arena is imaginary forest that is hosted Hunger Games every year.
 Game makers can control everything in the arena.
 'This was no tribute's campfire gone out of control, no accidental occurrence. The flames that bear down on me have an unnatural height, a uniformity that marks them as human-made, machine-made, Gamemaker-made. '(Chapter 13 #173 paragraph 1)

The Seam
 Under the ground, there are minerals.

The Cornucopia
 The area where all the tributes start at when the Hunger Games is about to start, also known as the bloodbath.

Mockingjay pin

1. Definition Dictionary

 It is symbol of Catniss in the Hunger game. It became famous at the end of the game.
Katniss was received Mockingjay pin from old women. When Prim was afraid of Hunger Games,    Katniss give it to Prim. After Katniss volunteered the Hunger Games, Prim gave it back to her. In this book, Mockingjay pin means blessing.

Goat Cheese
It is a kind of cheese that produced by goat.
Katniss was bought a weak goat, and Prim took care of it. The goat was healthy, then Katniss and her family can eat Goat Cheese.

showdow lock -die
  Part (#387 3rd paragraph Peeta's saying There nigntlock You reach the stomach
 Fox face stole it. Importance of appearing.

District 13
: Of panem
:  page22 second paragraph last sentence - The symbolize the
: Power


page 22

: pageants (American Idol) , Royalty
: Powerful image
: (page 442 - President gave the crowns to Peeta and Katniss)
: The Capitol is not powerful. Winner of the game

:Sizes of large turkey
:(page 290 chapter22)
:symbolize power of capitol - fale your place

Body Armor
:Closing by army
(pg 331 He has body armor _ Cato)

: soup
: = vegetables in here slowly
(page 51 my book The sight of the rabbit seemed to stir something in my mother. She roused herself, skinned the carass, and made a stew with the meat and some more greens Prim had gathered.)

Mockingjays (46p not my book)
female mockingbirds
mimic jays
sign of reberian

The Woods
The Society and Class
 (page 5: ) proverty

symbol Katniss

peeta gave Katniss
help Katniss
(37 give bread to Katniss)

Bow and Arrows
Katniss power
p6 shot the deer
society and class

Burn Ointment
injured Katniss
medicine  (227)
